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Unyson Typography Settings

How ease make typography settings usage Unyson wordpress framework.
Let’s show an example font setting for h1.

1 step – Get typography settings by id from theme settings Unyson.

if(!function_exists('max_them_google_fonts')) {

		function max_them_google_fonts(){
			$include_from_google = array();
			$google_fonts = fw_get_google_fonts();

			$h1_font = fw_get_db_settings_option('h1');
			// if is google font

			if( isset($google_fonts[$h1_font['family']])){
				$include_from_google[$h1_font['family']] =  $google_fonts[$h1_font['family']];
			$google_fonts_links = fw_theme_get_remote_fonts($include_from_google);
			// set a option in db for save google fonts link
			update_option( 'fw_theme_google_fonts_link', $google_fonts_links );
		add_action('fw_settings_form_saved', 'max_them_google_fonts', 999, 2);


After you have received the required font settings. Will generate the google font link from custom font.

if (!function_exists('fw_theme_get_remote_fonts')) :

		function fw_theme_get_remote_fonts($include_from_google) {
			 * Get remote fonts
			 * @param array $include_from_google
			if ( ! sizeof( $include_from_google ) ) {
				return '';

			$html = "<link href='//";

			foreach ( $include_from_google as $font => $styles ) {
				$html .= str_replace( ' ', '+', $font ) . ':' . implode( ',', $styles['variants'] ) . '|';

			$html = substr( $html, 0, - 1 );
			$html .= "' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>";

			return $html;


2 step – Print in head ready Google Font Link.

if (!function_exists('max_theme_print_google_fonts_link')) :

		function max_theme_print_google_fonts_link() {
			 * Print google fonts link
			$google_fonts_link = get_option('fw_theme_google_fonts_link', '');
			if($google_fonts_link != ''){
				echo max_html_trans($google_fonts_link);
		add_action('wp_head', 'max_theme_print_google_fonts_link');


3 step – Print inline styles by custom typography.
Create an empty file css custom_typography.css. Because without of this file do not work inline style in wordpress, it is important.
Getting custom settings for font and will print them.
Exemple: fw_get_db_settings_option('h1')['size'];

function max_typo_settings() {

		wp_enqueue_style('custom-typo-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/custom_typography.css');
		$custom_typo_css = "";

	$h1size = (fw_get_db_settings_option('h1')['size']) ? 'font-size:'.fw_get_db_settings_option('h1')['size'].'px;' : '';
			$h1family = (fw_get_db_settings_option('h1')['family']) ? 'font-family:'.fw_get_db_settings_option('h1')['family'].', sans-serif;' : '';
			$h1color = (fw_get_db_settings_option('h1')['color']) ? 'color:'.fw_get_db_settings_option('h1')['color'].';' : '';
			$h1specing = (fw_get_db_settings_option('h1')['letter-spacing']) ? 'letter-spacing:'.fw_get_db_settings_option('h1')['letter-spacing'].'em;' : '';
			/*Font Weight and Syles Hook*/
			$current_style = fw_get_db_settings_option('h1')['variation'];
            if ( $current_style === 'regular' ) {
                $current_style = '400';
            if ( $current_style == 'italic' ) {
                $current_style = '400italic';
            $font_style  = ( strpos( $current_style, 'italic' ) ) ? 'font-style: italic;' : '';
            $font_weight = 'font-weight: ' . intval( $current_style ) . ';';

			$custom_typo_css .= "

		wp_add_inline_style( 'custom-typo-style', $custom_typo_css );

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'max_typo_settings' );

This short code solve problem with typography option style/weight.

/*Font Weight and Syles Hook*/
			$current_style = fw_get_db_settings_option('h1')['variation'];
            if ( $current_style === 'regular' ) {
                $current_style = '400';
            if ( $current_style == 'italic' ) {
                $current_style = '400italic';
            $font_style  = ( strpos( $current_style, 'italic' ) ) ? 'font-style: italic;' : '';
            $font_weight = 'font-weight: ' . intval( $current_style ) . ';';
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