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How Add Parallax Background In Elementor Without Plugin

By default, the elementor has no parallax effect, it is available in pro version.
But how to make this effect without pro versions?
You can use the following script in your theme.
After you need to add the background image and the desired class to the section in the elmenator.

And do not forget to add custom settings for the background image:
fixed adn cover.

;(function($, window, document, undefined) {

	"use strict";

  var defaults = {
    viewportSelector: null,

    //Effect could be parallax or scrollReveal
    effectType: 'parallax',

    //Parallax options
    parallaxMaxOffset: 300,

    //Scroll Reveal options

    //Added when item is fully visible, removed when it's fully out of viewport
    scrollRevealedClass: 'js-reveal',

    //Added the first time the item is revealed, it's not remove when the item is hidden
    scrollFirstRevealClass: 'js-revealed',
    autoEnable: true,

    debug: false

  function Max_ScrollEffects(element, options) {

    this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);

    this.$window = $(window);
    this.$viewport = this.settings.viewportSelector ? $(this.settings.viewportSelector) : this.$window;

    this.$elements = $(element);

    this.scrollables = [];

    this.isEnabled = false;

    this.wpWidth = this.$viewport.width();
    this.wpHeight = this.$viewport.height();
    this.scrollTop = 0;


  Max_ScrollEffects.TYPE = {
    PARALLAX: 'parallax',
    SCROLLREVEAL: 'scrollReveal'

  Max_ScrollEffects.prototype = {
    init: function() {
      if (this.settings.autoEnable) {

    createScrollables: function() {

      if (this.settings.debug) {
        this.$debug = $('<div />').css({
          'z-index': 1000,
          'position': 'fixed',
          'top': '10px',
          'left': '20px',
          'color': 'white',
          'background-color': 'rgba(0,0,0,.3)',
          'padding': '10px 5px',
          'border-radius': '3px'

      for (var i = 0, j = this.$elements.length; i < j; i++) {

        var $element = this.$elements.eq(i),
          scrollable = {
            $element: $element

        if (this.settings.effectType == Max_ScrollEffects.TYPE.PARALLAX) {
          scrollable.maxOffset = $.isNumeric($'parallax')) ? parseInt($'parallax')) : this.settings.parallaxMaxOffset;

        if (this.settings.effectType == Max_ScrollEffects.TYPE.SCROLLREVEAL) {
          scrollable.isFirstReveal = true;
          scrollable.isRevealed = false;

        //ScrollReveal items

    addEvents: function() {

      this.$window.on('resize', $.proxy(this.onResize, this));
      this.$window.on('scroll', $.proxy(this.onScroll, this));


    resetScrollables: function() {
      if (this.settings.effectType == Max_ScrollEffects.TYPE.PARALLAX) {}

      if (this.settings.effectType == Max_ScrollEffects.TYPE.SCROLLREVEAL) {
        for (var i = 0, j = this.scrollables.length; i < j; i++) {
          var scrollable = this.scrollables[i];
          scrollable.isFirstReveal = true;
          scrollable.isRevealed = false;

    onScroll: function() {

      this.scrollTop = this.$window.scrollTop();

      for (var i = 0, j = this.scrollables.length; i < j; i++) {
        var scrollable = this.scrollables[i],
          scrollData = this.getScrollData(scrollable.$element);

        if (this.settings.effectType == Max_ScrollEffects.TYPE.PARALLAX) {
          this.processParallaxItem(scrollable, scrollData);
        if (this.settings.effectType == Max_ScrollEffects.TYPE.SCROLLREVEAL) {
          this.processScrollRevealItem(scrollable, scrollData);



    processParallaxItem: function(_scrollable, _scrollData) {

      if (_scrollData.isVisible) {
        var offset = this.percentToRange(_scrollData.percentEntered, -_scrollable.maxOffset, _scrollable.maxOffset);
          'background-position': '50% ' + parseInt(offset) + 'px'

    processScrollRevealItem: function(_scrollable, _scrollData) {
      if (!_scrollable.isRevealed &amp;&amp; _scrollData.isFullyEntered) {
        if (_scrollable.isFirstReveal) {
          _scrollable.isFirstReveal = false;
        _scrollable.isRevealed = true;

      if (_scrollable.isRevealed &amp;&amp; _scrollData.isFullyExited) {
        _scrollable.isRevealed = false;

    onResize: function() {
      this.wpWidth = this.$viewport.width();
      this.wpHeight = this.$viewport.height();

    //  Return percent from 0 to 1
    //  0.01 when element is almost at the top
    //  0.99 when just entered from bottom

    getScrollData: function(_$element) {

      var viewPortData = {
        isVisible: false,
        isFullyEntered: false,
        isFullyExited: true,
        percentEntered: 0
      var elementHeight = _$element.outerHeight(),
        boundRect = _$element.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(),
        elementTop =,
        elementBottom = boundRect.bottom;
      if (elementTop >= -elementHeight &amp;&amp; elementBottom <= (this.wpHeight + elementHeight)) {
        viewPortData.isVisible = true;
        viewPortData.isFullyEntered = elementTop >= 0 &amp;&amp; elementBottom <= this.wpHeight;
        viewPortData.percentEntered = this.rangeToPercent(elementTop, -elementHeight, this.wpHeight);
        viewPortData.isFullyExited = viewPortData.percentEntered == 0;

      return viewPortData;

    enable: function() {

      if (!this.isEnabled) {
        this.isEnabled = true;

    disable: function(_normalize) {

      if (this.isEnabled) {
        this.isEnabled = false;

        this.$'scroll', $.proxy(this.onScroll, this));
        this.$'resize', $.proxy(this.onResize, this));

        if (_normalize) {
          if (this.settings.effectType == Max_ScrollEffects.TYPE.PARALLAX) {
              'background-position': '50% 50%'
          } else if (this.settings.effectType == Max_ScrollEffects.TYPE.SCROLLREVEAL) {
            for (var i = 0, j = this.scrollables.length; i < j; i++) {
              var scrollable = this.scrollables[i];

    //  UTILS
    rangeToPercent: function(_number, _min, _max) {
      return ((_number - _min) / (_max - _min));

    percentToRange: function(_percent, _min, _max) {
      return ((_max - _min) * _percent + _min);


  window.Max_ScrollEffects = Max_ScrollEffects;

  var parallax = new Max_ScrollEffects('.parallax.elementor-section', {
    effectType: 'parallax'

  var scrollShow = new Max_ScrollEffects('.scrollreveal', {
    effectType: 'scrollReveal'

  var $window = $(window);
  $window.on('resize', function() {

    if ($window.width() > 1024 ) {
    } else {

})(jQuery, window, document);
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