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Custom WordPress Plugin Update from Remote Server

How to simply set up a remote update of the WordPress plugin from your hosting?

This is not difficult .

1 Step – we will use Update Checker Library for this.

We have the Puc folder and plugin-update-checker.php. plugin-update-checker.php must be include into our WordPress plugin file.

Plugin Update
require 'plugin-update-checker.php';
$myUpdateChecker = Puc_v4_Factory::buildUpdateChecker(
	__FILE__, //Full path to the main plugin file or functions.php.

Finished test plugin file. Add reference to the json file, and the name of the plugin.

 * Plugin Name: Maxtest Plugin
 * Description: Custom Plugin Update from Remote Server
 * Plugin URI:
 * Version:     1.0.0
 * Author:      maxtestplugin
 * Author URI:  //
 * Text Domain: maxtest_plugin

/*Your code*/

Plugin Update
require 'plugin-update-checker.php';
$myUpdateChecker = Puc_v4_Factory::buildUpdateChecker(
	__FILE__, //Full path to the main plugin file or functions.php.

Json file upload to the hosting from which the plugin will download

json file for update wordpress plugin, have:

 	"name" : "maxtest-plugin",
 	"version" : "1.0.1",
 	"download_url" : "//yourlink/testwp/",
 	"sections" : {
 		"description" : "Test Plugin:"

Update-checker – checks for updates every 1 hour.

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